AI Fitness Trainer - Project Portfolio

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Project: AI Fitness Trainer

Problem Statement

The importance of proper form in fitness is paramount to avoid injuries. Self-assessing form is difficult, creating a need for a personalized fitness coach. This project leverages deep learning and computer vision to build a real-world application that addresses these challenges.


We developed a computer vision-based fitness trainer using Mediapipe to analyze squat exercises, providing real-time feedback based on the input format and difficulty mode.

AI Application Development
Hosting & Deployment
Computer Vision
Deep Learning
Data Analysis
Real-time Feedback

Application Details

The AI Fitness Trainer uses MediaPipe Pose for high-fidelity body pose tracking. It infers 33 3D landmarks and provides feedback based on the analysis of these landmarks during squat exercises. The application calculates angles of the hip-knee, knee-ankle, and shoulder-hip lines with the verticals to determine the states and perform the appropriate feedback messages.

State Diagram

The application maintains a state sequence to determine whether a correct or incorrect squat is performed, providing real-time feedback to ensure proper form.

Scope of Improvement

Future enhancements include adding different sets of exercises, integrating multiple camera views, and incorporating more advanced techniques such as a Human Action Recognition system using a CNN-LSTM model. We also plan to use wearable sensors like Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) for time-series analysis.

References and Code Link